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Tag Archives: Personal

Massive Photo Update, part 2: Lyon

Here are my pictures from my weekend in Lyon. I very much look forward to going back with Martha and Sammy.

Massive Photo Update, part 1

Here are the first batch of pics from the last several weeks. Hundreds more will follow, but Martha is currently monopolizing the computer I need to use so that she can finish the final draft of the thesis. (!!!) In the mean time, I hope you’re satisfied with lots of Sammy photos.  🙂


This is me trying to pull this blog out of mothballs. The last several weeks have been quite busy. Here are some highlights: Visitors! We had our friend from Maui here for 6 weeks, and also 2 friends from Toronto here for 10 days. Travel! While our TO friends were here we spent a weekend […]

Passing Thought

I wonder at all that wastes away before me. It seems that so much of what I’d taken for granted is passing away so fast. Is the Eschaton becoming more immanentized more quickly, or am I simply becoming older and thus more sensitive to changes in the wind? My son will not know the world […]

Photo Update

Sorry to be silent for so long. Here are some pics to tide you over until I can write something substantive:

Neuchâtel — Thoughts and Observations #8

Martha is now safely on her way back home and Sammy is enjoying an unusually long nap. I thought I would take this time to post some random bits: It’s difficult to find non-white bread here without nuts and seeds baked into it. (Or, more accurately, the only brown bread I’ve found without nuts in […]

Quick Update

It’s 6am here. I’m trying to get in a bit of communication with the outside world before Sammy’s awake and the day begins in earnest. Things here are goodish. Sammy’s not napping well anymore, but sleeps great through the night. While this is good as that we can at least sleep at night, I now […]

House Assembly Photos

I’ve divided the big block of new pics into 2 themed groups. Here is the first, focusing on our slowly evolving new home:

Resumption of Normal Service

After 4 weeks of madness, things around here seem to have settled back into a happy routine. Here’s a terse summary of the recent past: Spending every Saturday, all Saturday, at IKEA for 4 weeks straight. The Saturday just past was the first that we were not there. 6 IKEA deliveries. The total mass of […]

Another Photo Update

Two batches of photos in as many days? Zut alors! Here are pics I took yesterday of our premier Mars holiday: