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Dialogue with Sammy

Sammy: Being sick is awful.

Quentin: Indeed. It’s worse when we’re both sick, isn’t it?

Sammy: It certainly is. You’re much slower in feeding me, changing me, and tending to my various urgent needs. It doesn’t help matters at all.

Quentin: I know, Sammy, and I’m sorry.

Sammy: ‘Sorry’ doesn’t quite cut it, does it? I mean, what were you thinking? You could have at least made sure I wouldn’t have to deal with this before creating me.

Quentin: Deal with what — being sick?

Sammy: That is what were talking about, Dad.

Quentin: How was I supposed to deal with that, exactly?

Sammy: That is not my province or concern. You, sir, are the adult and parent here. I don’t see how you could responsibly bring me into this world if you knew I might get sick.

Quentin: I suppose I should have also dealt with the problems of scarcity, injustice, and mortality before bringing you into being while I was at it.

Sammy: Very much so. It would have at least indicated that you care.

Quentin: *sigh*