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Monthly Archives: August 2010

Massive Photo Update, part 3: CERN, Geneva, and Gruyères

This is the last batch of photos from the last several weeks: In the interest of finally getting them online, I haven’t commented on the photo pages themselves. Please let my terse descriptions below suffice: The CERN photos are of the testing facility we toured, where new sections of the LHC are tested and […]

Massive Photo Update, part 2: Lyon

Here are my pictures from my weekend in Lyon. I very much look forward to going back with Martha and Sammy.

Massive Photo Update, part 1

Here are the first batch of pics from the last several weeks. Hundreds more will follow, but Martha is currently monopolizing the computer I need to use so that she can finish the final draft of the thesis. (!!!) In the mean time, I hope you’re satisfied with lots of Sammy photos.  🙂


This is me trying to pull this blog out of mothballs. The last several weeks have been quite busy. Here are some highlights: Visitors! We had our friend from Maui here for 6 weeks, and also 2 friends from Toronto here for 10 days. Travel! While our TO friends were here we spent a weekend […]